Wprost, Nr. 17-18/2013 (5 May 2013) For him, they were like cockroaches, like insects. Killing these insects was, for him, just the next step…
http://www.wprost.pl/ar/396435/Dziadek-likwidowal-warszawskie-getto/ Wie viele Juden hat Ihr Großvater im Warschauer Ghetto ermordet? Der Leiter der Einsatzaktion im Ghetto, SS-General Jürgen Stroop, hat am 16. Mai…
… what went down before you … Bob Dylan [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8CwZ90vNxo4&fs=1&hl=de_DE] Towarzystwo im. Edyty Stein i Fundacja Bente Kahan zaprasza na spotkanie z Uwe i…
We have the honor to present our project „Two families, two pasts – one future“ at the TEDx Conference in Cracow on 15th of…